Monday, May 14, 2012


I am going to bombard you with photos again. The weather has been so nice the last couple of weeks. We have been having a blast playing outside. Tyler has been at his new Day home for 2 weeks now and loves it. Heather likes to play with the kids outside, so they spend most of the day playing in the back yard, which he absolutely loves. It has been great so far!

One night, he found a random skateboard in our complex and entertained himself for about 1/2 an hour or so. He told me to go get the camera and take his picture. It was fun to watch him. After a while, Trevor came out and was pushing him on the skateboard, then Tyler wanted to ride with him. It was good times. 

About a week ago, we went to the Aviation Museum at the Downtown Airport in Edmonton. We had never been before. We met up with Russell and Andrea and their boys. Tyler totally zonked in the car about 5 minutes before we got there, and was not interested in waking up, so Trevor pushed him around in this airplane for a bit.

After we got him to wake up, he had the time of his life. This airplane is an old one from Lethbridge that used to fly passengers from Lethbridge to Edmonton. It was so tiny!! I don't think I could have ever flown in it.

We even got to sit in a jet plane. Tyler loved it, but I think Trevor was secretly more excited. They were both grinning like crazy the whole time!

Tyler and Beck were racing around outside on their airplanes (pushed by their Daddy's of course). They had a really good time.

Trevor and a couple of his buddies took their bikes out to Street Legal night at Castrol Raceway to race the Drag Strip. Tyler and I decided not to go, but he got this cool picture with his GoPro. They had a really fun time!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, although I can't quite get over Trevor's socks with
