Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We found out last Wednesday that they are closing our Day home at the end of April. I was pretty worried about this. Tyler loves it there. He has made a lot of great friends and we have been really happy with the people that work there. Well, it turns out that one of the ladies, who happens to be his and our favorite, has offered to take a few of the kids at her house. They will be moving to a 3000 square foot house and she offered to take Tyler for the beginning of May. I am very happy about this. I think it will be a good change. There will only be 4 kids there, instead of 15, which will be different, but I am sure that Tyler will still have a great time. She is hoping to be able to spend more time outside and going on more field trips. Hopefully it all works out.

For my birthday last week, we got to go to the Mayfield Dinner Theatre with Ron and Andrea. The play was called Boeing Boeing. Trevor and I both found it quite funny. I think that everyone enjoyed it. The food was excellent too. It was a lot of fun. Thanks Bumpa!

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